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Your Absence

| M. Fethullah Gulen | Issue 154 (Jul - Aug 2023)

This article has been viewed 8509 times

Your Absence

Everywhere is in darkness

Eyes are in search of you

People speak

but with words of hypocrisy

Lift the veil on your face

and give us a light

So all the frictions are gone in society

An eclipse has happened, eyes are in sleep

The fall has hit, all the roses have withered

Arrhythmia does not go away,

It feels like, this is it

Satan is the gardener, and the road is steep

Passion and enthusiasm are long gone

My eyes are filled with tears waiting for your dawn

I fear the books will record only our names

The saplings you planted have paled one by one

There is a bleeding wound in the hearts of the faithful

Memories of yesterday occupy my mind

Days longing for you are not bearable any more

Rise in our souls, so alien thoughts are gone

I am a poor one, I cannot endure your absence my Master

My head is at your doorstep, leashed at the neck

Let me die on your path, your name on my lips

How I wish I was your Mus’ab.

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